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Liver Life Blog

Health Disparities Blog Articles

Disparities in Liver Disease in the African American Population

African American Mother and ChildAfrican Americans experience disparities at each phase along the spectrum of chronic liver disease. These health inequities are deeply rooted within the healthcare system and manifest as disparities in the diagnosis, management, and treatment of chronic liver disease. Therefore, it is not surprising that African Americans experience worse liver-related outcomes compared to other racial groups. Herein, we outline a few of the existing health disparities in liver disease and suggest methods to promote a more equitable delivery of liver-related care.


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African Americans More Likely to be Diagnosed with Some Liver Diseases

Recent studies report chronic liver disease is the eighth leading cause of death in non-Hispanic Blacks aged 45-64 years old. African American/Black men are 60% more likely to be diagnosed with liver cancer and die ...

Giving a Voice to the LGBTQ+ Community

Meet Ryan Clary, Former Executive Director of the National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable and longtime HIV and AIDS advocate who has dedicated his life to giving a voice to liver patients, specifically the LGBTQ community, by ...

Dr. Robert Wong, a Passionate Advocate for Healthcare Equality

Meet Dr. Robert Wong, MD, MS, Clinical Associate Professor (Affiliated) of Medicine in the division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the Stanford University School of Medicine and Staff Physician in the Gastroenterology Section at the ...

Liver Cancer & the Underserved

Program Description The American Liver Foundation presents "Liver Cancer & the Underserved" as part of the 2021 Liver Cancer Conference presented by Dr. Robert Wong. Audience Liver Cancer Patients and Caregivers ...

Disparities in Liver Disease in the African American Population

A Part of the Progression of Liver Disease Blog Series Submitted by Jeremy Louissaint, MD and Ashley Spann, MD from The Association of Black Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists African Americans experience disparities at each phase along ...

Disparities in Liver Disease in African Immigrants

A Part of the Progression of Liver Disease Blog Series Submitted by Beatrice Zovich, MPH Public Health Program Coordinator for the Hepatitis B Foundation Of the estimated 2.4 million people currently living with hepatitis B ...

Liver Chat with Dr. Gunn

Liver Chat with Dr. GunnOur National Manager of Support Services Warren Hall talking to Dr. Nadege Gunn about World Hepatitis Day and National African American Hepatitis C Action Day ...

Last Updated on November 11, 2021


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