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Create a Facebook Fundraiser

We Want To Celebrate YOU!

Facebook Fundraiser benefits and features

  • Currently, Facebook does not charge a fee to process a donation, so 100% of all amounts raised go to ALF!
  • While “Birthday” fundraisers are the most popular (and Facebook starts to remind users that the feature is available one month prior to the day), a fundraiser can be created at any time, for any reason.
  • Facebook Fundraisers are visible and searchable to the public.
  • Changes in 2020 tax allow for a universal, “above the line” deduction for up to $300 of personal tax deductions!

How To Create a Facebook Fundraiser (It’s Easy!)

  1. Make sure you’re logged into Facebook.
  2. Click on
  3. Decide on the amount, type of currency, and end date of your campaign- (most campaigns have a fundraising goal from $200 – $500, and most campaigns are active between two to four weeks).
  4. Hit “Next” – then choose a title and tell your story.
  5. Hit “Next” again – then choose a cover photo or video. If you don’t choose one, it will default to the picture shown as the current ALF cover image.

Your FB Fundraiser has been created now

  • Invite friends or other members of a group that you are part of to donate. Encourage friends and family to promote your fundraiser to their group of friends on their Facebook page.
  • Your fundraiser dashboard is now available to you on your personal home screen or on the left column under “Fundraisers.” From this dashboard, you’re able to:
    • Invite others to view your campaign
    • Share your fundraiser as a post
    • See how many people have donated to your campaign
    • Edit the campaign
    • Add other organizers to your campaign, and even
    • Pledge to match donations with other contributors to your campaign
    • Explore button allows a user to search existing fundraisers, by keyword.
    • Manage button takes user to tips and helpful suggestions.

Last Updated on August 5, 2022


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