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African Americans More Likely to be Diagnosed with Some Liver Diseases

African AmericansRecent studies report chronic liver disease is the eighth leading cause of death in non-Hispanic Blacks aged 45-64 years old. African American/Black men are 60% more likely to be diagnosed with liver cancer and die as compared to non-Hispanic white men. African American/Black women are 30% more likely to die from liver cancer than non-Hispanic white women. It is imperative that we educate our community on health matters providing them with the proper tools to live healthy lifestyles.

Last year, the American Liver Foundation (ALF) launched a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiative (DEI) Committee which aims to further ALF’s ability to address inequality and fight liver disease disparities in the United States. By bringing together medical professionals, patient advocates and community representatives from varied backgrounds who are knowledgeable about the challenges and barriers faced by diverse groups of people, we will enhance the inclusivity of our offerings and learn new and better strategies for reaching a wider range of individuals impacted by liver disease.

Over the last year, ALF partnered with several new organizations to focus on bringing liver health and awareness to different Black communities. These organizations include:

  • Black Health Matters Summit
  • National Black Family Cancer Awareness Week
  • African American Wellness Project
  • Association of Black Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists
  • Black Liver Health Initiative
  • National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc – PA Chapter

ALF looks forward to continuing these partnerships as well as forming others that will help broaden our reach and bring liver health education and awareness to these diverse communities.

Last Updated on June 16, 2022


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